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Dichos: sayings or common terms.
Refranes: proverbs.

They are found in every culture and are used in everyday conversation, sometimes without a thought. The picture painted by the proverb often is enough to elicit a smile or a laugh, certainly a look of understanding among people who are familiar with it.

Studying the proverbs of another culture will reveal why the people think, act and behave the way they do. In Mexico, all social classes use dichos, especially residents of small towns and rural areas. Dichos are passed down from one generation to another by word of mouth.

Organized by Subject:
Familia | Family
Vida | Life
Amor | Love
Sociedad | Society
Religioso | Religious
Diverso | Miscellaneous

Familia | Family
No es lo mismo ver comer, que tirarse con los platos.
Seeing someone eat and throwing the dishes at each other are two different things.

Están más cerca mis dientes que mis parientes.
My teeth are closer to me than my relatives.

En casa de tía, pero cada día.
At your aunt's home, but not every day.

Un padre para cien hijos, y no cien hijos para un padre.
One parent can support one hundred children but one hundred children will not support one parent.

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Vida | Life
El primero es el deber que el placer.
Duty comes before pleasure.

Antes que resuelvas nada, consúltalo con la almohada.
Before making an important decision, consult the pillow.

El que quiera saber sus defectos, que se case, y el que quiera saber sus calidades, que se muera.
One who wants to know his defects should marry; one who wants to know his qualities should die.

Vale más causar envidia que lástima.
It is better to cause jealousy than pity.

Come y bebe que la vida es breve.
Eat and drink, for life is short.

El que come y canta, loco se levanta.
He who eats and sings at the same time goes crazy.

El muerto nada se lleva y todo se acaba.
The dead take nothing with them and everyting comes to an end.

Perro que no camina, no encuentra hueso.
The dog that doesn't walk doesn't find a bone.

("You can't succeed if you don't try.")

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Amor | Love
El amor ardiente pronto se enfría.
Passionate love cools down quickly.

El amor es ciego pero los vecinos no.
Love is blind. But the neighbors aren't.

El gato viejo, ratón tierno.
For an old cat, tender mouse. Said about an older man involved with a young woman.

Cuando lejos de ojo, tan lejos del corazón.
When far from sight, far from the heart.

Mas vale amar que ser amado.
It is better to love than to be loved.

Quien más te quiere te hace llorar.
He who loves you most will make you cry.

Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel.

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Sociedad | Society
Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
Tell me whom you associate with and I'll tell you who you are.

El conocimiento es plata entre los pobres, oro entre los nobles y una joya entre los príncipes.

Knowledge is silver among the poor, gold amongst the noble and a jewel among princes.

El ejemplo es mejor que las ordenes.

Examples are better than orders.

El pez grande come al chico.
The big fish eats the little one.

Mientras el sabio piensa, el tonto se aprovecha.
When the wise man ponders the situation, the dumb man takes advantage of it.

Al nopal lo van a ver solo cuando tiene tunas.
People seek the cactus only when they need prickly pears.

El diablo sabe más por viejo que por diablo.
The devil knows more due to being old than by being the devil.

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Religioso | Religious
El que perdona a su enemigo, a Dios tiene por amigo.
He who forgives his enemy has God for his friend.

Al que nace para tamale, del cielo le caen las hojas.
He who is born to be a tamale gets his husks from heaven.

Cada quien siente lo suyo y Dios siente lo de todos.
Everyone feels for his own and God feels for everyone

El camino al infierno esta cubeierto de rosas.
The road to hell is covered with roses.

Venganza es placer de Dios.
Vengeance belongs to God.

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Diverso| Miscellaneos
Gato que se duerme no caza ratón.
A sleeping cat doesn't catch rats.

El que repica la campana no puede andar en la procesión.
The one who rings the bell cannot at the same time be in the procession.

("You can't have your cake and eat it too." )

El que solo se ríe, de sus maldades se acuerda.
The one who laughs by himself remembers his mischief.

Muchas veces soy apendejó por conveniencia.
Very often I am a fool because I want to be.

Palabras de santo, uñas de gato.
Words of a saint; nails of a cat.

!A lo que te truje, chencha!
Let's do our thing, Chencha!
(A humorous expression meaning, "let's get down to business")

Al perro más flaco se le cargan más pulgas.
The scrawniest dog gets the most fleas.

Mi casa es su casa.
My house is your house.

Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando.
A bird in the hand is worth more than 100 flying.

("A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.")

No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano.
Not through much awaking early does the dawn come earlier.

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